In compliance with the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Law 34/2002 (LSSI-CE) we make available to all users and visitors of our website all the necessary information for the correct knowledge of the owners of the web, as well as our regulations of use and privacy policy.

1. Ownership of the Domain and Identification of the Pharmacy:



Headline: Maria Cecilia Moreno Bejar

Collegiate number:

Administrative authorization number:

CIF: 50281807N

Address: C/Antonio Oliver 1,30204

Contact phone: 968 51 08 05


Compliance with the Privacy Policy RGPD and LOPD: The owner of the pharmacy in his capacity as responsible for the personal data file informs the user and client of this website of the existence of an automated file of personal data called Customers, where the personal data that the user and / or client voluntarily communicate through the different contact forms are collected and stored, Emails and registration forms found on our website. (Our privacy policy is detailed below).

2. Health Authority contact details:

Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products:

Telephone: 902 101 322

Murcia Ministry of Health

Phone: 968 36 59 00$m

Illustrious Official College of Pharmacists of Murcia

Phone: 968 27 74 00

3. Code of Ethics:

Our pharmacy is attached and we work under the fulfillment of the code of ethics and Good Practices in Community Pharmacy and Basic Quality Standards and Procedures promoted by the General Council of Provincial Pharmacy Chambers of Spain.

4. Object:

The owner makes available to users a platform through which users can access a wide variety of parapharmaceutical, aesthetic and cosmetic products through fixed-term promotions and Spanish national, subject to the particular conditions included in this document.

The owner reserves the right to carry out modifications and / or updates of these conditions, of which the client will be previously informed for acceptance or rejection if they are substantial.

We want to specifically inform its Customers and Users that this website is aimed exclusively at an audience over 18 years of age.

Additionally, this website has a specific section for the sale of medicines for human use not subject to medical prescription, for which it has the authorization of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, showing the European logo that identifies this website as a pharmacy specially enabled for this purpose.

5. How to Buy, Shipping and returns:

The user will be able to determine in the purchase process the type of delivery he wants, either home delivery or pick it up directly at the pharmacy.

The expenses that the user may incur, associated with the collection of the products in the selected pharmacy will always be assumed by the user.

When the user determines home delivery, the products purchased by the user will be delivered to the user at the address indicated in the form for the purpose of the contracting procedure.

Home delivery is available for shipments within the peninsular territory, excluding: Balearic Islands, Portugal, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

We work with different transport agencies and prioritize the urgent delivery of the orders we receive with the aim that they are received between 24 and 48 business hours after placing the order.

Prices for drugs presented include applicable taxes.

Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be placed the next working day.

5.1.Shipping costs:

Shipping costs may vary depending on the destination, weight and dimensions of the products... Although before placing the order, the customer will be informed of the exact shipping costs caused by the order he is making.

In general, the shipping costs that must be assumed by the customer who requests this type of service will be € 4.9 (taxes included) for national shipments (excluding islands, Ceuta and Melilla).

Although, special shipping services can be an extra cost for the customer such as:

Delivery in less than 2 hours has an extra cost of €

Heavy shipments: when the shipment exceeds 2 kilos, the additional cost will be € 0.4 per kilo (taxes included)

Additionally we can offer campaigns and specific offers through which customers can benefit from discounts of up to 100% of the shipping costs involved in their order. (These offers will in no case be compatible with orders for authorized medicines over the Internet)


All product prices are included with the rest of the product description, being publicly accessible, without the need to be registered as a user and are always expressed in EUROS (€).

All prices shown are final prices, expressly including Value Added Tax (VAT), without prejudice to the fact that the user will have at all times detailed information on the price of the product.

5.3.Shipping limitations:

The Pharmacy reserves the right to fulfill those orders that, in our opinion, are not intended for the final consumer or request an unusually high number of units, we may limit to a maximum of ten units per reference. In this case, at the discretion of the Owner, the order will be cancelled in whole or in part, the purchase amount will be refunded through the same means of payment used and the customer will be communicated through the email of the user account.

5.4.Unauthorized Uses:

The Pharmacy reserves the right to cancel the account of the user or registered customer, and may proceed to the termination of this contract. In particular, cancellation may be made as a customer and/or as a user in case of detecting the breach of any of the contractual obligations contracted, as well as in case of observing a use of the website and / or the account contrary to the general terms of use, the privacy policy of the website and the uses in good faith accepted in the sector.

In particular, it is prohibited, and will be considered breached this contract, to register as a customer or place orders through this website, regardless of the number and amount, by members of pharmaceutical establishments, parapharmacies or any type of distribution channel and / or resale of the products offered through this website, and/or any person directly related to them.

5.5.Warranties and returns:

The Pharmacy guarantees that all the products offered are original products of the brand, with manufacturer guarantee and without any defect, with its legally recognized guarantee periods in Spain.

The customer has the right to return the products purchased within 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of the same.

Parapharmacy products (medicinal products, not considered medicines), cosmetics, food and beauty products are perishable and consumer products and, therefore, do not have a guarantee if they have begun to be consumed or if the expiration period of preferential consumption that they have established has elapsed have a return guarantee protected by law due to their nature as consumer goods. Therefore, once removed from the pharmacy or, in the case of products from the sales platform, delivered to the customer's home, returns will only be accepted in case of any damage unrelated to the end customer or factory defect, as long as the product has not been opened.

Specifically in the case of medicines, as well as certain products considered food, food and phytosanitary supplements, due to the regulations of distribution of this type of products and hygiene regulations, the return of these products cannot be made once they have been removed from the pharmacy or once they have been delivered to the customer's home, even when closed and/or sealed. The pharmacy will not be able to accept returns of these products once they have been dispensed and delivered to the customer, except in those cases that have been supplied by mistake, do not correspond to the order or have been damaged during transport. In all cases, these returned products will be destined for destruction, through the existing integrated waste management systems.

However, and given the characteristics of commercial products, customers should bear in mind that these, being mostly aesthetic, food and parapharmacy products, have their corresponding expiration periods and preferential consumption, guaranteeing in any case that at the time of marketing the products have a sufficient period for consumption.

5.6.Right of withdrawal:

In accordance with the provisions of current legislation, the customer has the Right of Withdrawal by virtue of which he may return the order received in whole or in part if he verifies that it does not adapt to his expectations. To communicate your desire to exercise the withdrawal you can contact our customer service team through the contact data provided on this website, both by phone and by email, in all cases we will assist you immediately, you can indicate the product or products you want to return and we will process your request.

In compliance with the regulations on the Right of Withdrawal, we provide you with a withdrawal request form, which you could use if you wish, to send us your return request.

Internal link form / withdrawal model:


Returns and partial cancellations will result in partial refunds.

The Pharmacy will manage the return order under the same system that was used for payment within 3 days from the confirmation of arrival at the warehouse of the returned order. The application of the refund on the Customer's account or card will depend on the card and the issuing entity. The application period will be up to 7 days for debit cards and up to 30 days for credit cards.

5.8.Sale of medicines:

The sale of medicines can only be made directly from the pharmacy, with the intervention of a pharmacist responsible for dispensing, without the intervention of intermediaries.

We recommend that before making the purchase of a medicine consult that the website where you are going to make the purchase is authorized for this purpose, being able to do so through the following link:

In any circumstance the sale can be made after personalized advice by a pharmacist who will attend all consultations on the purpose of treatment, indications, dosage and method of administration.

All shipments are prepared and supervised by a pharmacist.

Prices for drugs presented include applicable taxes.

Only non-prescription medicines are allowed to be sold.

The pharmacy will not be able to accept returns of medicines once they have been dispensed and delivered to the customer, except in cases where the medicine has been supplied by mistake, do not correspond to the order or have been damaged during transport. Returned medicines will always be destined for destruction.

Thermolabile medicines are not offered on the website or sent them

The scope of distribution is only for Peninsular Spain.

The supply of medicines from the pharmacy to the address indicated by the user will be the responsibility of the Pharmacy for which the special MRW Clinic courier service specially developed by this courier company for the shipment of medicines is used.

In the case of Over-the-Counter Medicines, the pharmacy may accept returns only in cases where the medicine has been supplied in error, does not correspond to the order or has been damaged during transport. Returned medicines will always be destined for destruction.

6. Privacy Policy and Legal Aspects

We inform users and customers of this website of the policy carried out regarding the processing and protection of personal data.

We share with you the concern about the transfer of personal data on the Internet, so we make sure that the data you voluntarily provide through our website will never and under no circumstances be used for any purpose other than that necessary for the provision of the services offered by the web.

In addition, we have installed on the website the necessary security tools to guarantee this privacy and confidentiality.

Compliance with the GDPR and LOPD Privacy Policy for email

Any communication through the email accounts of the pharmacy domain, and where appropriate, any file attached to it, may contain confidential or legally protected information (LOPD15/1999 of December 13), being for the exclusive use of the recipient. There is no waiver of confidentiality or professional secrecy for any defective or erroneous transmission, and its disclosure, copying or distribution to third parties without the express authorization of the sender is expressly prohibited. If you have received a message in error, please notify the sender by sending a message to the relevant email and immediately delete the original message and all copies thereof.

Likewise, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce and Organic Law 15/99 on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your email address appears in our files. We are pleased to inform you of your right to object, access, cancel or modify your data. If you no longer wish to receive our emails, you only have to send an email to the sender of the received email, specifying in the subject CANCEL and adding in the body of the message the e-mail address in which you receive our communications. The consent will be understood to be given as long as you do not inform us of the revocation of the same.

It is only planned to carry out assignments or communications of data that due to article 11.2.c. of Organic Law 15/99 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter LOPD) must perform to meet its obligations with the Public Administrations in the cases that are required in accordance with the current legislation in each matter at all times and where appropriate equally, to other bodies such as judges, public prosecutors, courts, court of auditors or ombudsman.

We also inform the user that any other transfer of data that must be made, will be brought to their attention when provided for by the LOPD, informing expressly, precisely and unequivocally the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be destined, and the nature of the data transferred, or, where appropriate, when the LOPD establishes it, the specific and informed unequivocal consent will be previously requested from the user.

However, we inform the user and the client that any processing of personal data is subject to current legislation in Spain on data protection, established by the LOPD and its complementary and development regulations. In this sense, it is only responsible for and guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data requested from the user through this website, not having any responsibility for the processing and subsequent uses of personal data that may be made by third party service providers of the information society that could access such data due to the provision of their services or exercise of their activity.

Third-party providers of information society services shall be understood -without limitation, those natural or legal persons who provide the following services: a) Transmission by a communication network of data provided by the recipients of the service. b) Access services to the aforementioned network. c) Data storage or hosting services. d) Provision of content or information. e) Transport companies and parcel shipments. Likewise, the owner is not responsible for the data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks this website, nor for those responsible to whom this website refers its visitors through hyperlinks.

6.1.Privacy Policy Update:

These policies may be modified, without prior notice whenever necessary to adapt it to any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudence, administrative change or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Data Protection Agency or legitimate object of the Pharmacy, any modification of this policy notwithstanding the foregoing, will be published and warned on the website of the Pharmacy and in the policy itself. For all the above, we recommend users to periodically read these policies in order to be able to know the changes that are made in them.

7. Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in the user's browser, so that the website can consult the user's previous activity. Among its functions is to carry out the control of users and obtain information about the navigation of the same and attempts of spyware (spyware) by advertising agencies or any other nature. We use cookies to facilitate the use of our website. These are information files that allow us to compare and understand how our users navigate through our website, and thus improve the browsing process. If you do not want to receive cookies, configure your Internet browser to delete them from your computer's hard drive, block them or warn you if they are installed. To continue without changes to your cookie settings, please continue on the website. Cookies can be accepted, deleted or blocked according to the browser configuring it. Most browsers indicate how to set your browser not to accept cookies, to notify you each time you receive a new cookie, and to disable cookies. If technical and/or functional cookies are disabled, the quality of the website may decrease or it may be more difficult to identify you. The 2002 European Union directive on privacy in telecommunications contains rules on the use of cookies. The storage of data (such as cookies) on a user's computer can only be done if; the user receives information about how that data is used; and when the user has the possibility to reject that operation. This article also states that storing data that is necessary for technical reasons is allowed as an exception. For more legal information see:

DIRECTIVE 2009/136/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2009 amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and users' rights relating to electronic communications networks and services, Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 on cooperation in the field of protection of consumers.

DIRECTIVE 2009/140/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2009 amending Directive 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, Directive 2002/19/EC on access to and interconnection of electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and Directive 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services

7.1.Cookies used on this website:

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Personal Data, we proceed to detail the use of cookies in order to inform you as accurately as possible about it.

7.2.This website uses the following first-party cookies:

Session Cookies: identification, configuration and registration, for the identification of the user and for the provision of the services requested by the user. They are cookies designed to obtain and store data while the user accesses our website, being possible to guarantee that users who write comments on the blog, discussion forums and other actions provided by this website are human and not automated applications, thus combating spam.

Analysis Cookies: allow us to calculate the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service. To do this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the offer of products or services that our page offers.

Navigation Cookies: that collect information about the use that visitors make on our website, being the object to improve the operation of our website. Functional Cookies: which allow you to remember information and the most personal characteristics. By visiting our website, you are accepting the installation of these cookies on your device.

7.3.This website uses the following third-party cookies:

Google Analytics: Google Analytics Stores cookies to be able to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits of this. By using our website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Google. Therefore, therefore, the exercise of any right in this regard must be done by communicating directly with Google. Google Analytics will not collect personal information about users.

Social media: By using the social registry, you authorize the social network to store a persistent Cookie. This Cookie makes it possible for you to remember your identification in the web service. This Cookie can be deleted, and you can also cancel the access permissions of the services from the privacy settings of the social network in use. Each social network uses its own cookies, making it possible for you to share different content by clicking on share or like buttons, thus being able to interact with the content of different social networks. With regard to the conditions of use of these cookies, as well as the information they collect, they are regulated by the privacy policy of the specific social network.

Deactivation or deletion of cookies: At any time you can exercise your right to deactivate or delete cookies from this website. These actions will be performed differently depending on the browser you are using. We indicate below the following links, where you can find more information about the different browsers:

- Chrome:

- Internet Explorer:

- Firefox:

- Safari:

Additional Notes: We are not responsible for the accuracy or content of any privacy policies that third parties may have in this cookie policy. Browsers are the means that are responsible for storing cookies, and it is from this place where your right to deactivate or delete them is made or should be made. We cannot guarantee the correct or incorrect function of cookies by the aforementioned browsers. With regard to Google Analytics cookies, we store cookies on servers in the United States, committing ourselves not to share them with third parties, except in those cases that are necessary for the proper functioning of the system or when required by law. Google Inc. It is a company that guarantees that the data that has been transferred will be protected according to current European regulations. Google will not store your IP address. For any other questions or queries about our cookies policy do not hesitate to contact us.

8. Place of contract and applicable venue:

The Courts and Tribunals will be those provided by the applicable legal regulations in matters of competent jurisdiction. The contracting conditions are governed by Spanish legislation. In case of controversy, which may arise from the conditions of purchase or from the action of the purchase procedure itself, the parties, in the event that a consumer intervenes as a party, submit for the resolution of conflicts that may arise to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the consumer and user.

8.1.Access to dispute resolution platform:

In compliance with European Union Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council of 21 May 2013, we provide the access link to the European Union online dispute resolution platform.

8.2.Safeguard clause:

All clauses or ends of this contract must be interpreted independently and autonomously, not affecting the rest of the stipulations in case one of them has been declared null and void by court judgment or final arbitration resolution. The affected clause or clauses will be replaced by one or more others that preserve the effects pursued by the conditions of use.

9. Drug coverage scope:

Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar and Portugal. The following restrictions should be kept in mind for the transport of medicines in the following areas:

GIBRALTAR: In the case of making a shipment to Gibraltar (that is, destination Gibraltar), for transport, the sender must contact the customs agent on the phones provided by the client's Agency before making the shipment, and present invoices and documentation corresponding to the content since until the customs agent does not have the approval by the PIF (Border Inspection Service in Algeciras), could not be sent. In the case of wanting to issue a shipment from Gibraltar (i.e. origin Gibraltar), only the transport of documents and not samples is allowed.

ANDORRA: From Andorra, or destined for this country there are also restrictions published by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, in the form regulated by circular 1/2008 that must be resolved through the client's Agency before sending this type of products.

10. Shipment of medicines:

We use the service of MRW Clinic, specific solutions. Collection in pharmacy and delivery by hand to the customer in 24 hours, without intermediaries. Deliveries are made Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be placed the next working day.

MRW Clinic is the solution designed exclusively to cover the urgent transport needs for pharmaceutical material. All shipments made through MRW Clinic carry a differentiating adhesive in order to ensure greater attention in their handling, along with state-of-the-art technology applied to shipment tracking.

11. Conditions of transport of medicinal products:

The transport of medicines from the dispensing pharmacy to the address indicated by the user will be the responsibility of the pharmacy.

The supply of medicines from the pharmacy to the address indicated by the user will be the responsibility of Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia.

12. Return of medicines:

In the case of Over-the-Counter Medicines, the pharmacy may accept returns only in cases where the medicine has been supplied in error, does not correspond to the order or has been damaged during transport. Returned medicines will always be destined for destruction.

13. Rational use of medicines:

The pharmacist must assess the relevance or not of the dispensing, especially in the face of requests for quantities that exceed those used in the usual treatments, frequent or repeated requests, which indicate the possibility of misuse or abuse of the medicines for sale.

14. Protection of personal data:

In accordance with the provisions of articles 5, 6 and 11 of Organic Law 15/1999, on the protection of personal data and article 12 of its Development Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, we inform you that your personal data, as well as those of the SENDER and RECIPIENT of the service, will be included in files owned by companies of the MRW Group and its franchises ( and will be processed with the purpose of carrying out the management of the contracted transport services and the accounting and administrative management of the clients. The personal data collected will be transferred to the companies of the MRW Group and its franchises ( exclusively for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. Likewise, the CUENTA's data will be processed for the purpose of conducting surveys in order to improve services and their quality, as well as to keep you informed about the services and promotions of the MRW GROUP related to the transport sector and related activities. The client can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data by sending an email to accompanied by a copy of their ID. If you only wish to oppose the processing of your data for promotional purposes, you must communicate it by email to the same email account

15. Holiday information:

Open 365 days from 09:00 to 22:00.

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