This document is intended to complement the general conditions of use of the WEB, detailing the specific conditions of contracting through Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia.


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia makes available to users a platform through which users can access a wide variety of parapharmaceutical, aesthetic and cosmetic products through promotions of fixed duration and national Spanish scope, subject to the particular conditions included in this document, these products are offered directly by Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia.

Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia reserves the right to carry out modifications and / or updates of these conditions, of which the client will be previously informed for acceptance or rejection if they are substantial.

Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia wants to let its Customers and Users know that it is aimed exclusively at an audience over 18 years of age.



Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia makes available to its users the direct sales service, from which they can purchase the products and / or parapharmaceutical services promoted and / / marketed by Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia.


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia has developed a simple and intuitive process, through which users can easily find the products and services offered.

By way of example, and always in an enunciative and non-limiting way, a purchase process on the portal could be described as follows:

When a user searches for information about a certain product, the portal will offer all the information available about it, as well as comments and experiences of previous users and / or information of interest found through the Internet or other brands. In addition, Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia will make available to the user services and contact forms so that the user can receive direct pharmaceutical advice at any time.

To be able to make a purchase and have all the necessary data to make the shipment, it is necessary that the user is registered on the platform, for which it is enough to fill in their real and truthful data in the different registration forms found on the portal or during the telematic purchase process, In addition, the user must enter the form of shipping or collection in pharmacy as well as the desired payment method (PayPal, credit or debit card or payment at the pharmacy). At no time will we have access to your bank details, these being directly managed by the corresponding banks in our payment gateway.


The user will be able to determine in the purchase process the type of delivery he wants, either home delivery or pick it up directly at the pharmacy. The expenses that the user may incur, associated with the collection of the products in the selected pharmacy will always be assumed by the user.

In cases where pharmacy collection is selected, Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia will send an email to the user once the pharmacist has indicated that his product and / or service is available for collection.

When the user determines home delivery, the products purchased by the user will be delivered to the user at the address indicated in the form for the purpose of the contracting procedure.

Home delivery is available for shipments within the peninsular territory, Balearic Islands excluded, Portugal, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

Once the purchase order is confirmed, within 72 hours of purchase, the Pharmacy will proceed to prepare the order and deliver it to the courier company (Courier) that works with the pharmacy that will be responsible for shipping. The user will receive at home the order placed within 3 to 5 working days, counted from the moment it is collected by the Courier in the pharmaceutical establishment.

For shipments where necessary, we work with MRW Clinic, an MRW solution for transportation in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector. Designed so that the pharmaceutical sector can urgently transport medicines, and parapharmacy products guaranteeing greater attention in the handling of their shipments.

In no case does Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia offer or ship medicines or thermolabile products.

If in the order received any doubt arises to the owner of the pharmacy, as responsible for attending said order, will contact the customer in order to duly clarify any doubts raised


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia offers and launches its own offers, which may have a specific duration, being in any case subject to the requirements, temporary limitations or stock availability expressly indicated in each specific offer.

The user can make the purchase of any of the products marketed by Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia at any time, provided that, in the case of products with some type of limitation, the promotion in question has not ended or the stock has been consumed. In any case, Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia reserves the right to cancel a purchase, for having been made outside the period of validity of the same or before the detection of any error in the processes. In any case, Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia is explicitly exempted from direct or subsidiary responsibility for the different offers and / or promotions.


All product prices are included with the rest of the product description, being publicly accessible, without the need to be registered as a user and are always expressed in EUROS (€).

All prices shown are final prices, expressly including Value Added Tax (VAT), without prejudice to the fact that the user will have at all times detailed information on the price of the product. In the case of the Canary Islands, VAT will be excluded when making the payment of the order.

In the case of offers or promotions of Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia, the prices indicated for each product are the prices applicable to the commercialization of said product in each specific promotion, taking as a reference each promotion individually, and not guaranteeing by Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia that the prices indicated will be equally applicable in other similar promotions carried out at another time.

Shipping costs:

Shipping costs may vary depending on the destination, weight and dimensions of the products... Although before placing the order, the customer will be informed of the exact shipping costs caused by the order he is making.

In general, the shipping costs that must be assumed by the customer who requests this type of services will be € 4.9 (taxes included) for national shipments (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands).

Although, special shipping services can be an extra cost for the customer such as:

- Delivery in less has an extra cost of € 2 .

- Heavy shipments, when the shipment exceeds 2 kilos, additional cost of € 0.4 per kilo.

Additionally Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia, can offer campaigns and offers through which customers can benefit from discounts of up to 100% of the shipping costs involved in their order.


At all times it will be Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia the final suppliers of the services and / or products selected by the user, so that it will always be the Pharmacy selected by the user to carry out the transaction, who carries out the preparation, distribution and billing of the products and / or services contracted.

All purchases or contracts made through Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia and the Internet, will be made through platforms provided by an external financial institution, which in any case will be hosted on a website under SSL secure protocol. For identification, confirm that the web address of the page from which you are making the payment begins with https://.

In any case, the purchase will only be effective when Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia receives confirmation of payment from the bank that owns the secure payment gateway. If the transaction is for any reason denied by said entity, or the full amount corresponding to the amount of the order is not provided (including surcharges for management fees and bank transfer fees), it will be suspended informing the end customer that the transaction has not been completed.

Once an order has been placed by the user and the corresponding payment has been made through any of the payment methods made available by Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia, the platform will send the end customer an email in which all the information regarding the products purchased from the selected pharmacy will be collected, their unit price, the applicable taxes, as well as the total price of the purchase and the place of delivery thereof.



Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia, guarantees that all the products offered are original products of the brand, with manufacturer guarantee and without any defect, with its legally recognized guarantee periods in Spain.

The customer has the right to return the products purchased within a period of 14 calendar days from the date of receipt.

Parapharmacy products (medicinal products, not considered medicines), cosmetics, food and beauty products are perishable and consumer products and, therefore, do not have a guarantee if they have begun to be consumed or if the expiration period of preferential consumption that they have established has elapsed have a return guarantee protected by law due to their nature as consumer goods. Therefore, once removed from the pharmacy or, in the case of products from the sales platform, delivered to the customer's home, returns will only be accepted in case of any damage unrelated to the end customer or factory defect, as long as the product has not been opened.

Specifically in the case of medicines, as well as certain products considered food, food and phytosanitary supplements, due to the regulations of distribution of this type of products and hygiene regulations, the return of these products cannot be made once they have been removed from the pharmacy or once they have been delivered to the customer's home, even when closed and/or sealed. The pharmacy will not be able to accept returns of these products once they have been dispensed and delivered to the customer, except in those cases that have been supplied by mistake, do not correspond to the order or have been damaged during transport. In all cases, the returned medicines will be destined for destruction, through the existing integrated waste management systems.

However, and given the characteristics of commercial products, customers should bear in mind that these, being mostly aesthetic, food and parapharmacy products, have their corresponding expiration periods and preferential consumption, guaranteeing in any case that at the time of marketing the products have a sufficient period for consumption.

Additionally and given the characteristics of the products marketed, being aesthetic, beauty, health and / or parapharmaceutical products, infant food and / or dietetics, among others, it will be required to process any type of return that the products in question are in perfect condition, with the seals intact in such a way as to guarantee that the content of the product, Especially if they are creams, makeup, lotions, foods or similar products, have not been handled and / or used by the end customer. In the same way, it will not be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal when the products that are already unsealed are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene.


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia acts as a distributor of manufacturers who guarantee that the products presented for sale work correctly and do not present defects, nor hidden defects that could make them dangerous or unsuitable for normal use.

The contractual guarantee offered is the one usually granted by the manufacturer. Once the Customer has received the product will have the instructions provided by the manufacturer in its box, sufficient for the correct use and installation of the product and all the information about the warranty. No Customer may request a warranty more extensive than that indicated therein.

In case the marketed product shows any damage, please contact the customer service of Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia immediately, to indicate the procedure to return the product. At the moment in which the defects of the same are verified, it will proceed to the repair or replacement of the same, or the realization of a reduction on the price or the return of all the economic amounts paid, as appropriate in each case. These steps will in no case entail a cost for the client.

To claim and enforce the guarantee, the consumer can contact both the seller and the manufacturer of the product within a general period of 2 years from the delivery of the product and always taking into account the conditions and limitations set forth in the applicable regulations. If the defect or lack of conformity becomes apparent after 6 months from the delivery of the product after purchase, the customer must prove to the manufacturer or seller that the fault, defect or lack of conformity already existed when the product was delivered existed of origin. In this sense, PHARMACY NAME will carry out the actions aimed at providing the Customer who request it with the contact information of said service and will provide them with sufficient information for the presentation of the relevant claims.

The warranty will lose its validity in case of defects or deterioration caused by external factors, accidents, in particular, electrical accidents, wear, installation and use not in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Products modified or repaired by the Customer or any other person not authorized by the Manufacturer are excluded from the warranty. The warranty shall not apply to apparent defects and defects of conformity of the product, for which any claim must be made by the Customer.

It is expressly indicated that inflatables have no guarantee since manufacturers do not provide it due to the different factors that may affect their correct functioning (punctures, sun exposure, chafing ...).

Refunds to CUSTOMER

The return of the products will result in a refund equal to the cost of the returned products minus the cost of the return service.

Only in the event that the product delivered is defective or incorrect, Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia will also reimburse the Customer for the corresponding shipping costs.

Returns and partial cancellations will result in partial refunds.

Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia will manage the return order under the same system that was used for payment within 3 days from the confirmation of arrival at the warehouse of the returned order. The application of the refund on the Customer's account or card will depend on the card and the issuing entity. The application period will be up to 7 days for debit cards and up to 30 days for credit cards.


The photographs, texts, graphics, information, characteristics reproduced that illustrate the products for sale are not contractual, so they may vary. However, we always ensure that the description of the products is as accurate as possible to reality.

The descriptions of the products displayed on the Website are made based on the information provided by the suppliers of Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia. However, the information given on each product, as well as the photographs or videos related to them and the trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained, are exposed as a guideline.


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia makes available to all customers its contact telephone number through which to solve any questions that the client may have, as well as to respond to requests for advice and / or personalized pharmaceutical advice.

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 524/2013, applicable throughout the European Union, through this link you can access the online Dispute Resolution platform, for any claim. https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=ES


Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia reserves the right to cancel the account of the user or registered customer, and may proceed to the termination of this contract. In particular, cancellation may be made as a customer and/or as a user in case of detecting the breach of any of the contractual obligations contracted in this act, as well as in case of observing a use of the website and / or the account contrary to the general terms of use, the privacy policy of the website and the uses in good faith accepted in the sector.

In particular, it is prohibited, and this contract will be considered breached, the registration as a customer or the placing of orders through Farmacia Lafarmaciadececilia, regardless of the number and amount, by members of the pharmaceutical establishments, and / or any person directly related to them up to and including, the second degree of kinship.


All clauses or ends of this contract must be interpreted independently and autonomously, not affecting the rest of the stipulations in case one of them has been declared null and void by court judgment or final arbitration resolution. The affected clause or clauses will be replaced by one or more others that preserve the effects pursued by the conditions of use.


These conditions are expressly subject to the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approved the Law on Consumers and Users, Royal Decree 1906/1999, of December 17, 1999, regulating Telephone or Electronic Contracting with general conditions, Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Contracting Conditions, Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on the Regulation of Retail Trade, Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislation of a general nature or subsidiary application in accordance with the basic principles of organisation of the Spanish legal system.


For any litigious matter related to this website, and whenever consumer legislation so permits, we will submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Murcia, as well as to the Spanish national legislation in force at the time of the litigation.

To submit claims in the use of our services, the client can go by mail to the electronic or physical address indicated in the "Identification" section, committing ourselves to seek at all times an amicable solution of the conflict.

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